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Win 7 Snipping Tool is a great feature learn with me how to use it
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windows 7 has some great features, snipping tool is like taking a screen print but more precise. My windows tutorial will get you on your way.
For all you people using windows 7 there is a great little feature called snipping tool. Gone are the days when you have to take a screen print of the whole page and then start editing it, when all you wanted was to take a snapshot of a small section of that page.
Well snipping tool is here and it's great, just follow the directions below to see it in action. For this example I will take a snap shot of the Recycle bin on my desktop. Before we start lets's take a look at the 2 different images below. The first image is is taken using (Ctrl, Alt, Prt Sc,) using this method is good only if you wish to take a snap of your whole desktop. Don't get me wrong it can be used to take a snap shot of just a particular window if you want. (Thats another lesson) But what will you do if you have a faulty keyboard or what ever reason you simply can not use (Ctrl Alt PrtSc) This lesson is simply giving you another option.
First now I have mentioned it, if you wish to take a screenshot of your computer all you need to do is press and hold down the "CTRL" key, then press and hold down the "Alt" key, now press the "PrtScr" key. You have now taken a snapshot of your screen, but that is no good untill you have pasted it some where. So open a word doc or blank page of whatever and press down and hold the "Ctrl" key then press the letter "v" on your keyboard. Your picture will then be pasted in to your chosen document.
The above method looks fine but let's say you only want to take a snap of a small section of your desktop. What will you do?
The answer is use win 7 snipping tool.
Look at the image below I took this using the snipping tool. I guess they both have there uses. Have a go yourself.
Left click on "Start"
Left click on "All Programs"
Left click on "Accessories"
Left click on "Snipping Tool"
Your screen will fade now when the snipping tool opens and you will see 2 things a window will open like the one in my screen print below. And your cursor will become a cross.
To use the cross to take a snap of a certain section of your screen hold down the left mouse button and drag the cross you will see a box being streched as you drag the cursor. Stop when you have covered the area you want to take a snap shot of. Now click on "File" then click on "Save As" and save your image the same way you would any other.
I have lots of Windows 7 tutorials on offer just go to my windows tutorials page here. Windows 7 is a great operating system when we learn all of it's features. So if you take the time to learn windows 7 you will get more enjoyment out of it. I hope you have found my snipping tool tutorial of good use, if you have please leave feedback.
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