delete babylon from firefox search results

       Ask mastersworld

Delete Babylon

how can I delete babylon?

This is a question which comes up all the time, in my opinion it is a pain in the neck. (I will show you how)

First you need to remember this Babylon get's installed with other software. So you need to remember to be careful when installing other software on your computer. Most of the time when installing other software on your computer 3rd part software get's installed. But you are given the opportunity to uncheck a box which stops this happening.

OK here we go

Stage 1

First things first,

you need to go to the control panel

Click on Programs and Features

A list of all installed software will show up, you need to look for anything with babylon there and remove it. To do that left click on anything with babylon there which will highlight it. Then click on the uninststall button which is at the top of the page. This will uninstall ( what ever babylon)

Do that with everything which says bablon in your list.

Stage 2

Now open up firefox

type in to the web address url bar   (to see a screen print clcik here)


This will show you a list, you need to type babylon in to the search bar (the list will now change to show you every reference to babylon by firefox)

Now right click on every thing in the list and left click on Reset

Now reboot your PC

With a little luck :) babylon has gone forever.

If this tutorial has helped please leave feedback by clicking this link or plus one me bottom left of the screen. Thanks any questions just email me.


Now once this is done if all fails the other option you have is to reset firefox this can be done by clicking this link.

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