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Download Free Maths Test For Kids...

Maths Software For Kids

I have recently created this small maths quiz, I will update this as time goes by. As it stands now you can do Multiplecation tests, Addition and Subtraction. You can also learn about shapes and learn the periodic table. There is some conversion software included also which converts between many different things. There is also a talking times table chart, addition chart, multiple choice addition test. You can also learn roman numerals.

This software is owned 100% by me and everyone is free to use it. Windows 10 users can download this software from the Microsoft Store..


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A lot of people do not bother to keep there anti-virus software up2date this causes problem's and they end up paying someone to clean there PC for them. There is no need for you to spend money on keeping your computer safe. There is plenty of free software out there that will do a good job.

When looking for ways to protect your computer from the likes of a Virus you will notice some software is quite expensive. This is usually because they do more than 1 job. ie, term Virus tends to get used quite loosely, we have adware,spyware and much more. All these things set out to cause you problem's in one form or another. If you was to download a free version of Avast which is anti-virus software you could still be a victim of adware. The idea is to find 2 compatible pieces of software that you can run along side of each other. I have started to create a list of such software that you can try out for yourself. Just look here

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Wireless encryption is moving forward at quite a pace, WEP is OK but WPA2 is read more here. I myself while using my own laptop can now see 3 other wireless networks in my neighbourhood that are unprotected.



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  This site was setup to provide free online computer help for everyone that want's it I have created quite a few tutorials for people to follow, you just need to click on the links in the sidebar. If you can not find a tutorial you would like you are welcome to contact me and ask for one. You can click here to email me with your request.


Below you will see some software I created which shows people some basic information about every country in the world. It can be downloaded and used 100% free. It is actually being updated to show popular tourist destination as well. I hope to have that done by the end of April. I welcome all suggestions as what people would like to see on this software. Click here to go to downloads page

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Is your password strong enough? you need to stay away from dictionary words. Using the name of your pet or your best mate is a big "NO" So give it some thought before someone else does.  



Windows 7 Black Screen

They call it the black screen of death repair it now get some pc help and go here

When Windows 7 first came out it had quite a few bugs, one being the black screen. That can be fixed in a matter of minutes now. Windows 7 in my opinion is probably the best OS ever.

Not any more win 8 it great if you get the chance to try it do not hesitate.

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